Food coloring has been used since 1500 BC. Candy used natural color additives to make it taste and look good. Food pigmentation gives color to food and drink and until the 19th century saw natural extracts being used for the purpose. Come 20th century artificial food coloring such as Aniline gained popularity. These made the appearance of food appealing and attractive.
The problem
The process of adulteration of foods was predominantly responsible for the extensive usage of food coloring due to a competitive market place and partly due to the lack of administration of such adulteration a lot of which we still see today. Inorganic elements were cheaper and so chemicals such as red lead, vermilion and copper arsenite were used for recoloration purposes. Colors intended for dyeing textiles were also used in food. With the gradual increase in the utilization of color additives, history recorded allergies, deaths and adverse effects of toxicity in these agents. Due to their carcinogenic properties, children developed strange reactions due to coloring in fruit drinks, candies and breakfast cereals. It was then that administrative bodies woke up to impose restrictions on artificial food additives. Going forward artificial food coloring found its link to ADHD and cancer. During the 20th century a whopping 690 artificial colorings had been synthesized and 80 were rampantly available in the market.
The solution
Having understood the side effects of artificial food coloring awareness towards the usage of natural food coloring grew and as a result the health and safety of natural food colors are now being explored. Natural food colors are non-toxic and permitted dyes such as turmeric and saffron have pharmacological effects. Natural dyes are biodegradable and are harmonized with nature. Growing consumer concerns lead to the manufacture of natural food and beverage colors in their highly purified form.
Bio Actives, Japan uses a combination of expertise and technology to manufacture some of the most intense food colors customized to client requirements. Embarking on the mission of producing consistent, high-quality, safe and effective natural color solutions, the company produces around 17 different pigmentations from natural agents such as turmeric, marigold, annatto, algae, carrot, carmine, paprika, beet root, red cabbage, alfalfa, spinach and cane sugar. The colors can be safely used in beverage, confectionary, dairy, bakery, pet foods and snacks. The company adopts stringent collection, creation and conformation methodologies in their manufacturing facility. The creative department responsible for actual production of the products adopt streamlined standard operating procedures under sterile conditions.
Bio Actives, Japan manufactures a variety of nutritional ingredients, natural flavours and colors.
Nutrition is interpreted as the synergy between nutrients and its
active components with health, maintenance and growth of the body.
Substances such as phytonutrients, anthocyanins, tannins etc. are
responsible for the subsistence of the human metabolic activity. Diet
refers to a healthy and palatable intake of food and the preservation of
nutrients from oxidation and preventing food-borne diseases. Clinical
nutritionists and health professionals always provide dietary and
nutritional plans that are meant to prevent chronic disease and provide
remedial actions for nutritional deficiencies.

diet results in poor nutrition causing an injurious impact on health.
Improper consumption of nutrients can lead to low energy levels,
obesity, diabetes mellitus cardiovascular disease, vitamin deficiencies
and other associated diseases. Research also shows that improper
nutrition can have an impact on mental agility – healthy foods promote
spatial memory capacity and enables retention of information. But with
changing lifestyle and environmental factors, dietary supplements are a
necessity. With health incompatibility highly prevalent in the current
scenario nutritional supplements and healthy functional foods are
In the name of instant supplementation and dietary
prescriptive medication, many artificial over-the-counter medications
are available. Synthetic and unnatural vitamins bring along with them
dangerous chemicals which can impair an individual’s endurance capacity
and can even break down immune systems exposing the person to the
serious health risks.
Bio Actives Japan -
food ingredients manufacturers provide natural nutritional food
supplements. Their products contain no harmful chemicals or artificial
substances that are detrimental to consumption. They broadly provide
nutritional ingredient products in the following categories:
Weight management:
burn and diabetic control is achieved with foods that contain alpha
lipoic acid, FB3 and psyllium husk powder. All weight control is
achieved by supplementing natural foods that play a great role in
neutralizing free radicals in the adipose cells.
Antioxidant treatments:
antioxidants provide valuable anti-ageing benefits. Defensive agents in
the products boost immunity and actively heal help in healing wounds.
Constituents are derived from fruit extracts.
Eye care:
for individuals who face macular degeneration with the deficiency of
lutein, BioLutein containing lutein as an active ingredient is an
oxycarotenoid that is an eye vitamin.
Men’s health:
at providing improved vigour and strength to men, the products contain
aglycone (soy ingredient) that enhances muscle and power.
Joint care:
Especially meant for the older population, the products are meant to restore ambulation and mobility.
Women’s health:
Products targeted at age rejuvenation and helps restore and maintain hormonal balances in women in their post-menopausal stages
All products manufactured by Bioactives
Japan are natural and undergo rigorous quality control processes before
the final output. Till date, no known side effects have been reported
for any of Bio Actives products due to the stringent manufacturing and
preparatory methods. Bio Actives are committed to creating better
individuals and better societies by delivering safe and high-quality
natural products.
Bio Actives have offices located in Japan
(HO), US, Thailand, and Philippines, with their manufacturing unit
located in Bangalore, India.