Monday, 8 August 2016

Facts About Nutritional Ingredients’ and Food Labels

Prepackaged foods come with labels and by legislation include the nutrition facts table, ingredients’ list, and some optional nutritional information. The Nutrition Facts Table contains information about calories per serving, the list of core nutrients and % DV (or daily value) of the nutrients. That being the case there are certain facts about nutrition that most people agree upon but many do not necessarily follow. Extra added sugar can create empty and unwanted calories that cause diabetes. Added sugar may be attributed to high fructose and sucrose levels that contain no essential nutrients but can over time lead to liver disease, insulin resistance, abdominal obesity and high cholesterol. On the other hand, Omega-3 fats are extremely important for the basic functionality of the body and its nutritional deficiency leads to depression, mental disorders, heart diseases and overall a low IQ. Omega-3 can be derived from ALA, DHA, and EPA. Dietary prescriptions can vary from individual to individual – for example, a low-carb diet may or may not work for everyone. Another very important factor contributing to a deficiency in nutrition is artificial trans-fats. Hydrogenated oils also called trans fats are prepared by mixing hydrogen gas and unsaturated fats. Their consumption leads to diabetes, heart disease, obesity, depression, Alzheimer’s disease etc. Vegetables are known to contribute to health and nutrition - a fact that is well known but not very well understood. A diet rich in vegetables is also rich in minerals, fiber, vitamins and antioxidants that have endless quantities of nutrients contributing to good health. Besides all of the above, vitamin D is a daily requirement and this essential vitamin can be derived from the sun. The inadequacy of vitamin D can cause osteoporosis, cancer, diabetes and many other serious diseases.
Natural Ingredients

Food labels are placed to provide nutritional ingredients information of a particular product. This could include the type of packaging, calories per serving, weight, the nutrients and the nutritional value of the product. These informative labels help consumers to choose a healthy diet and facilitate the choice of nutritious foods. A conscious individual following stringent weight management regimens can make calculated decisions to avoid foods that contain additives and synthetic ingredients. A study has found that people who chose to look at nutritional labels consumed fewer calories than those who didn’t.

BioActives is one of the leading manufacturers of natural nutritional food ingredients that have been assisting individuals for many years now. These products contain beta-carotene, forskolin, Lutein, sesame, turmeric, Coleus roots, Z. officinale, fenugreek and S. reticulata.

Wednesday, 3 August 2016

Fascinating Weight Management Regimen

It is amazing how much experience can teach you. Weight management has become more of a profit venture rather than a conscious approach to human welfare. Most suppliers and distributors of weight management supplements tackle profit issues first ignoring product issues. Come to think of it, in spite of all the products rampantly available in the physical as well as digital market, obesity and over-weightedness as an issue that is still looming large for most of the world population. Then what exactly are we doing wrong? Definitely the causes of obesity are right there – in our lifestyle – it is sedentary, we consume “junk” and partake of an imbalanced diet that does not necessarily lead us to the path of weight salvation.  Having said that, does it take much to right the wrong?

Unbridled availability of weight loss pills drives individuals to believe that these can actually put a stop to their fat misery. There are several prescriptive drugs such as Duromine - one of the most sought after drugs for weight loss. Weight loss pills are dubbed as thermogenic fat burners that induce increased expenditure of energy by boosting body fuels. This remedy unfortunately comes with high risks of insomnia and heart problems especially for individuals who are already suffering from high blood pressure. A thermogenic fat burner is like combining ephedrine and Duromine, which can have drastic reactions. And then there are neurotransmitters that work as appetite suppressants to reduce the amount of food consumed thereby actuating weight loss. These come with side effects too – insomnia, dry mouth, constipation etc.

 And then there are a plethora of weight management supplements some natural, some synthetic, available online as well as offline. These are enough to confuse and scare the average person away from any healthy fat loss regimens which are basically lost in the jungle of lipid cutters.
Weight Management

What is the meaning of healthy weight management and fat loss? Healthy fat burning and weight control refers to a prolonged approach to a life style that provides the right balance of diet and physical exercise. That understood, there are also several adulterations and variations in the food available today with chemicals and pesticides being used in abundance to promote growth. Vital nutrients are yet lost from the food partaken.

The most fascinating weight management regimen is the one that includes the right amount of physical exercise, and a salubrious diet that promotes steady maintenance of wellness. Forskolin is derived from the Indian Coleus forskohlii a plant that has been remedially used since ancient times to treat heart disorders, chest pain, high blood pressure and respiratory disorders. It is used effectively in the formulation of FB3 a weight loss supplement that releases stored fat in the cells thus promoting calorie deficits. Several placebo studies have been conducted only to prove the efficiency of the ingredient every time. FB3 is manufactured by the international brand BioActives and is a patented formulation.

Monday, 1 August 2016

When Your Weight Weighs Down On You!

Weight Management Control

Weight management and weight control are always hot topics. People are constantly looking for new and innovative means of managing weight. By definition, weight management requires a prolonged approach to life style alterations involving healthy eating, adequate physical exercise and an equal expenditure and intake of energy. In other words, a balanced life style can help an individual achieve weight control in a given situation. When the person does not resort to a healthy set of practices that keeps a person’s weight at acceptable levels then it can lead to what is popularly known as obesity. When a person is grossly over-weight, he / she can be termed as obese.

Being obese may not be the same as being just about over-weight. When an individual is over-weight, they are deemed so due to their excessive measurements as compared to standards those that have already been defined for their height and age. Excessive weight gain could be due to several reasons such as accumulation of body water, bone weight or unrestrained build up of muscle tissue. A person’s BMI determines their obesity.

    BMI between 19 and 24 is normal

    BMI between 25 and 29 is overweight

    BMI between 30 and 34 is moderately obese

    BMI between 35 and 39 is severely obese

    BMI > 40 is defined as being morbidly obese

The predominant cause of such weight disturbances is primarily due to eating disorders. Unhealthy eating habits and irregular weight management practices can lead to obesity and disruptions in weight. There are several risk factors associated with obesity such as type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, gallstone attacks, hypertension, breast cancers and colon cancers to name just a few. In addition, obesity can also intensify osteoarthritis, gout, increases pregnancy risk and childbirth and can also lead to mental disorders such as depression. There are also cases where patients weighing > 136 kg will not be operated upon due to healing risks associated with their weight. Food and nutrition play a major role in weight control. Some of the nutrition-related disorders that can cause obesity are genetic and biological factors, lifestyle (abundant availability of junk food), socio-cultural aspects (television being the biggest culprit) and medications.

Not all hope is lost when certain facets of weight management are practiced such as regular exercise, healthy eating and dietary regulation. Where regular exercise is a mandatory angle, individuals fall back on the supply of essential vitamins and minerals such as proteins, carbohydrates, and a fair share of dietary fibre. Propagated healthy eating leads an individual to eat anything in the name of health. To control this factor, one of the best modalities would be the use natural ingredients that can be supplemented with the food.

BioActives strongly recommends the use of FB3® one of the smartest nutritional ingredient derived from the best of standardized botanical components that promotes “good” weight management and control. The unique blend maintains a healthy body composition with the right quantity of lipids by simultaneously preserving metabolic health.

BioActives is one of the leading producers of nutritional ingredients, natural flavors and natural colors.